Are you at Point A & want to get to Point B?
Coaching is highly effective for getting to these and other Point B’s
Improve your leadership and get unstuck
Start overcoming anxiety and become a better pastor, spouse, and/or parent
Emerge from crisis by working through it
What is coaching?
Why you want to be coached
What is coaching?
Why you want to be coached
People engage me as a coach when they have a sense of what their point B is (or they want to have a point B). My work is not to be the one with the answer. My job is to listen, to ask you questions, to help you think, so that you can work to get to point B. I will share my thoughts along the way, but you decide your course of action. You are going to do the work, and I will be in your corner. By the way, coaching is not counseling. I will not be asking you about your past or work with you to figure out why you are the way you are. Instead of asking “why questions” that look backward, I ask what, how, when, where questions that can help you move forward.
Consulting with Churches and Ministries
Maybe you have a staff member or a team that you want to invest in. You see them at point A and believe that they are able to get to point B with some help. That is where I come in.
Sometimes churches and organizations realize that they need help:
- they’re in a crisis and want to work themselves out of it
- they want to improve their culture/their leadership
- they want to get unstuck
- they want to better deal with their anxiety
- they want to clarify their mission
- they want to be more effective in doing their mission
I work with churches to help them get clear on what they want to do. And I help them to take steps to make those things happen.
Pastor Peer Groups
Your favorite person in your church is not returning your texts; you received a critical email from a member; one of your key leaders is talking smack about you; one of your elders has just yelled at you; a staff member is not pulling their weight. What do you do? Do you ever feel stuck in situations like these?

The Pastor Peer Groups are a place for you to become more thoughtful as you encounter challenges in your ministry, and to do this in the company of other pastors and ministry leaders.
The Pastor Peer Group is not a place for a quick fix – where I or the other pastors have all the answers for you. The goal is not merely to fix your one situation, but for you to work on improving your thinking and acting in ministry, impacting your internal and external responses over the long-haul. At each two and a half hour session we start with prayer and engage some ways of thinking about the emotional systems at work in our lives & churches. Then one of the pastors in the group presents a one-page case study, along with telling us about their family of origin. After that, they go into listening mode. Then the rest of the group asks questions and wonders aloud about the case study, but no one is allowed to offer advice. After the group has finished, the presenter starts thinking out loud about their case. This is where I have seen transformation in pastors. My goal is to keep the group size to four or five pastors. And over the course of our sessions, each leader will have the opportunity to present two case studies.
Here is what one pastor says:
"Being a part of the Pastor Peer Group made me a better pastor. Tom’s wisdom, teaching, coaching, and presence helped me perceive ministry differently - I began to more fully grasp the complexity of the interweaving systems that make up my church and, most importantly, I learned what I can and cannot control in such systems.
Bringing case studies before the group impacted my own life and ministry in profound ways: by thinking through the issue (an area I felt “stuck” in life or ministry), writing it down, talking through it with the group, and debriefing it in the group, I gained invaluable insight and actionable steps to take.
"Being a part of the Pastor Peer Group made me a better pastor. Tom’s wisdom, teaching, coaching, and presence helped me perceive ministry differently - I began to more fully grasp the complexity of the interweaving systems that make up my church and, most importantly, I learned what I can and cannot control in such systems.
Bringing case studies before the group impacted my own life and ministry in profound ways: by thinking through the issue (an area I felt “stuck” in life or ministry), writing it down, talking through it with the group, and debriefing it in the group, I gained invaluable insight and actionable steps to take.
The value of the Pastor Peer Group will stay with me for years because it did not simply focus on technique, rather, it made me a healthier pastor. Thank you, Tom, for investing in my life and ministry."

Matt Rundio
Counselor, Scottsdale, AZ